Are You in a Healthy Relationship?Find out in this 30 second quiz...My partner generally looks me in the eyes when I’m talking to him/ her. Always Most of the time Sometimes (when he/she isn’t distracted) Hardly everI feel more relaxed as I speak, and usually breath a little deeper, when talking about my day to my partner. Always Most of the time Maybe half the time Hardly everI feel like my partner understands my emotional state, despite the content of my share. Always Most of the time Sometimes, when my emotion is really obvious or intense Does my partner care about emotional states?I feel free to talk about any subject that is important to me with my partner. Always Most of the time Depends on the subject RarelyIt is easy to talk to my partner when I’m distressed, and to ask for physical touch for comfort. Always Most of the time Sometimes, depends on the timing or topic I’d rather go to someone else when I’m distressedIf I have an important matter to discuss with my partner, but he/she is busy, he or she is willing to make a time later that day to have the discussion. Always Most of the time You may have to remind him/her a few times, or wait a few days Important matters often get dismissed or ignoredI often alter my appearance, interests, or values to feel like I’m “keeping up” with what my partner enjoys. No I make decisions based on what I like and am comfortable with for myself Only certain events Maybe some of the time If I’m honest with myself, I do that a lotI can easily say “no” to my partner whenever I’m not comfortable with something. Always Most of the time Maybe half the time, sometimes it can be really hard Rarely, I hate saying no or disappointing him/ herI feel happy and confident with the outcome of discussions with my partner and navigating our different needs together. Most of the time More than half the time Less than half the time Our discussions are usually unproductive or turn into argumentsI can genuinely say that I feel loved for being myself in this relationship, even if I have differences in opinion or needs from my partner. Always Most of the time More than half the time Less than half the timeThanks for taking the quiz!To see your score, please enter your name and email address. Name Email Time is Up!